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Scheduled Maintenance for Safety and Durability of Your Motorcycle

When given a choice, many people prefer motorcycles to cars. It could be due to reasons like low cost maintenance, convenience to park, easy to ride and manage heavy traffic, and so on. Youngsters especially, always prefer a motorcycle. However, they require more frequent repairs and maintenance, when compared to cars.

How do you keep your motorcycle in good condition?

Timely maintenance is the basic secret for long life of your motorcycle. Some people prefer to do the maintenance on their own, but then you will need to have the manufacturer's manual to do self-maintenance. Alternatively, you can take help from experienced mechanics, or reputed service centers.

Motor cycle repair and maintenance is an ongoing process, which may cut into your pocket a bit, but your ride will be in its top running condition for years to come.

Motorcycle parts - check regularly

Here is a list of motorcycle parts that require checking at regular intervals.

Tires - You will need to keep the tires correctly filled with the recommended volume of air, because it will help you balance your motorbike better, and maneuver it perfectly. You will need to use a tire gauge to check the tire pressure.

Fuel Filter - It is equally important in maintenance of motorcycles. Fuel filter needs to be kept clean without clogs, and it must be changed every 2 years. Use only the company parts, which will last for 2 years. You won't have to keep changing it every 6 months. Always remember to keep the fuel tap in off position, when your motorcycle is parked.

Brakes - Brakes must always be kept in their perfect condition, in order to avoid accidents. Brake fluid can be changed every year for flawless brake. The thickness of brake pads must also be maintained.

Chain - Chain tension and lubrication can be checked regularly, at least once in a month. Lubricate the chain liberally at regular intervals. Control cable can be checked once in every two months and adjusted

Battery - Battery needs to be fully charged always, and the fluid level must be maintained on both sides. Use only distilled water to fill the battery and not the tap water. Some minerals in the tap water are harmful for the battery.

Recharge the battery by running your motorcycle, when the lights become dim, or if the ignition starts sounding weak. Also check the cables for loose connection, and the exhaust for clogs. On a general note, use a hydrometer to test your battery on a monthly basis.

It is better to follow the manufacturer's schedules for maintenance. Not only will it help you get the best performance, but is also important for the safety of your vehicle too.

On-time repair for increasing the life of your motorcycle

When you notice little problems, it is better to attend to them immediately, or they only get worse with time. If you tend to ignore little hitches like the oil leak, it may cause serious engine damage in the long run. Get an experienced technician, who is familiar with your model vehicle for repairs, because not all the models are the same.

You can have a safe vehicle in its top running condition, just by spending a little money on timely maintenance and repairs.

We are authorized dealers for the scout motorcycle brand, and we also offer top quality repair and maintenance services for our clients in and around Orange County. For more information, please Click here.